It depends ... first of all, we never need to read information such as Energy Centers or Soul Group more than once, since these are the inherent nature of our Souls and DO NOT CHANGE.
Vibration rate and spheres of protection etc. don't need to be checked more than yearly. Often these don't shift much, unless the client is really making a lot of changes in their lives. Please note that this would be reflected in changes in their actual physical circumstances!
You can re-check for blocks and restrictions about every six months ... but sometimes this isn't necessary. It depends on the client.
Remember, we only receive information about blocks and restrictions that the client is ready to clear. What the client is ready to clear depends a great deal on their intent - what does the client want to create into their experience? We get information about what is blocking and restricting the client from those things!
If a client does NOT take action based on a previous reading, and their intention hasn't manifested and they are working on the same intention ... there really is zero reason to check for additional blocks and restrictions.
Please be discerning. If a client hasn't taken new action and their circumstances haven't changed, nor has their intention ... then they need to re-listen to the reading you've already done and do their work, based on that prior reading.
If a client has taken action, has created new circumstances, and has shifted their intention to manifest something different, then you can go ahead and check for new blocks and restrictions from the Certification program. Keep in mind these aren't actually 'new' - it's just that they didn't show up in the prior reading because they were not blocking / restriction the client from manifesting their prior intention.
The above is just for re-checking for blocks and restrictions from our Certification Program.
If you've studied Level Two, then you can certainly check for additional blocks and restrictions within two months of the original reading. You can also do additional readings such as the Spirit Guide Profile, Life Lessons reading, etc. after the client is complete with their clearing homework from the first reading.