Welcome to the Soul Realignment Practitioner Knowledgebase

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If you have questions, it is always recommended that you:

1. Go through your written materials carefully ... chances are that you missed something.  If you can't find what you're looking for ...

2. Search our past Q&A Call recordings! Just enter the key term or short phrase you are asking about. Try entering terms like "negative Soul", "Soul-shifting", "first position negative Guide" or "negative intention placed by client."

The search will return all instances of the phrase. Then simply click on the time stamp to listen to the recording! You can scroll backwards as well to make sure you hear all of the conversation.

Of course, if you can't find the answer here, I'm happy to talk to you on our support calls!  I just wanted to give you another place to find answers to your questions so that you can move forward in your work.

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